30 Days of Blogging: Day 1

There’s something about sitting out on the porch in the morning, drinking coffee, that makes you think. And this morning I started thinking about the things that I would really love to see come to fruition in my life. Things that I would absolutely regret if I looked back on my life when I’m old and didn’t accomplish them. They are big things, things that require a lot of work, resources, and circumstances to line up in order for them to happen. Things that would take years to build. But all those things start somewhere. And I’m realizing that somewhere is here. now.

So I started asking myself, what do I need to get started here and now? I have to admit, I’m pretty bummed at myself realizing that the only thing that I need to get started now is some darn discipline. Discipline to do the stupid simple things that are my starting place. I would really hate if I missed an opportunity to make the things I really want come to fruition just because I wasn’t disciplined. How disappointing would that be. I can just see myself 30 years down the road kicking myself, regretting everything, because I didn’t try. Because I didn’t train myself to be disciplined.

And that’s what brings us here. To 30 days of blogging. My start at building some discipline. Which means there may be blog posts in the next 30 days that include two sentences, or maybe paragraphs of complete nonsense. I may look like an idiot on the world wide web, but maybe that’s what I need.

I need to write, even if it’s not a full blog post. I need to write and not worry about SEO and catching titles, and trending topics. Because I’m not good enough for that yet. I can’t do any of those things if I don’t freaking write. So here’s to 30 days of writing. Whatever I can in whatever time I have. Which, with a newborn, isn’t all that much.

So here’s to trying. Here’s to looking stupid. Here’s to starting. Here’s to hitting “publish” on a post that means nothing to anybody and has red (meaning not good) SEO and readability scores with a completely irrelevant stock photo so there’s not an empty space on my blog feed.

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