It’s okay if you don’t want to hold your baby all the time. If you’re a new mom, you need to hear that. You’ll probably hear a lot of “if people want to come over, ask them to help do your dishes or prep a meal so you can enjoy time with your baby.” Which in the first couple weeks makes a ton of sense. But after a couple of months, you may feel like doing anything but holding your baby and that’s okay.
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my baby, I love holding her, and I love every minute I get with her. I waited so long to have her and now that she’s here I try to cherish every minute.
But that doesn’t mean that every now and then I need a break. The days can get long and taking care of a baby is a lot of work! So when I have someone come over, I honestly enjoy the fact that they want to hold my baby and I can do the dishes or cook some food. And who knew that the dishes or cooking could be so fun!
That doesn’t mean that I love my baby any less. But it does mean that after even just a short break, I can feel so refreshed and have more energy to pour into caring for my daughter.
So mama, if you’re tired, if you need a break, make it happen and don’t feel bad! If you’re tired and bored from walking a baby around the same 500 square feet all day, say so. If you’re overwhelmed and just can’t do another minute, ask for help. It’s quite okay and both you and your little one will be better off in the end.